What Are the Best Tools for Measuring Web Performance?

Web performance can make or break the success of your website. It's not just about loading speeds; it's about the overall user experience, search engine rankings, and the efficiency of your web presence. To stay ahead, you need to measure and understand your site's performance. But what tools should you use to get accurate insights? Here, we explore some of the best tools available for measuring web performance, helping you keep your site in top gear.

What Are the Best Tools for Measuring Web Performance?

Mon Feb 12 2024

Ben Ajaero

What Are the Best Tools for Measuring Web Performance?

Web performance can make or break the success of your website. It’s not just about loading speeds; it’s about the overall user experience, search engine rankings, and the efficiency of your web presence. To stay ahead, you need to measure and understand your site’s performance. But what tools should you use to get accurate insights? Here, we explore some of the best tools available for measuring web performance, helping you keep your site in top gear.

Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) by Google is a fundamental tool for any webmaster. It measures the performance of a page for mobile and desktop devices and provides suggestions on how that page may be improved. PSI provides both lab and field data about a page, offering a comprehensive view of how your site performs in controlled tests as well as in real-world user scenarios.


An open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages, Lighthouse is integrated into the Chrome DevTools. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication. It has audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more. Lighthouse provides a clear and actionable checklist that you can use to improve your website’s performance.


WebPageTest is an advanced tool that allows you to test your website’s performance from different locations around the world, using a variety of browsers and device types. It provides detailed information, including load time, first byte, start render, and fully loaded time, along with a waterfall view of your site’s assets. This level of detail is invaluable for pinpointing specific bottlenecks.


GTmetrix gives you insight into how well your site loads and provides actionable recommendations on how to optimize it. It combines Google PageSpeed Insights and Yahoo’s YSlow metrics into one report to give you a comprehensive view of your website’s performance, along with suggestions for improvement and tracking options.


Pingdom offers a variety of tools to measure website speed and performance. Its real user monitoring (RUM) feature provides genuine insights into how users are experiencing your website. Additionally, Pingdom’s synthetic monitoring tests your website continuously from multiple locations globally, ensuring your site delivers a consistent user experience at all times.

Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is built directly into the Google Chrome browser. It provides a wealth of information about the inner workings of your website. From network performance to JavaScript profiling and beyond, Chrome DevTools is a powerful suite for those who want to dig deep into their site’s technical performance.

New Relic

New Relic’s suite of performance management tools is designed for more complex sites, particularly those with significant backend interaction. While it’s more developer-centric, New Relic can provide deep insights into how your server-side performance is affecting your website’s client-side experience.


SpeedCurve provides detailed performance monitoring by tracking the front-end performance and user experience metrics. It allows you to set performance budgets and benchmark against competitors, giving you a clear perspective on where you stand in your industry.


Monitoring and improving web performance is a dynamic and ongoing process. The tools listed above are among the best in helping website owners, developers, and marketers understand their website’s performance landscape. By leveraging these tools, you can diagnose problems, track improvements over time, and ultimately deliver a better experience to your users. Remember, the goal is not just to score well on these tools but to use the insights they provide to make your website faster, more accessible, and more enjoyable for everyone who visits it.

Ready to optimize your web performance and elevate your online presence? At Cox Code, we’re experts at crafting websites that not only look great but perform exceptionally under any conditions. We believe that a well-designed website is the cornerstone of a successful digital strategy, and our team is dedicated to transforming your digital ideas into reality.

Enhance your user experience, improve your SEO, and stay ahead of the Australian web standards with Cox Code’s bespoke web design and development services. Contact us today to see how we can tailor a web performance solution that drives success for your business.

About the author

Ben Ajaero

Ben Ajaero

Founder & Visionary

A motivated entrepreneur and dedicated student at UNSW pursuing a dual degree in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) and Aerospace Engineering (Honours), Ben is the driving force behind Cox Code. His vision for a digital agency that blends cutting-edge innovation with luxurious design has set Cox Code apart in the Australian tech landscape.

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